This list provides a chronological compilation of first-author conference proceedings contributions by Tim Huege, accompanied by a few selected conference proceedings contributions of which Tim Huege is a co-author.

First author conference proceedings

  1. Radio-Emission from Cosmic Ray Air-Showers - A Theoretical Perspective for LOPES
    Huege, T., Falcke, H. 2002, Proceedings of the 6th European VLBI Network Symposium, Ros, E., Porcas, R.W., Zensus, J.A. (eds.), MPIfR Bonn, Germany, 2002, p. 25
    [proceedings homepage] - [astro-ph]
  2. Radio Emission from EAS: Coherent Geosynchrotron Radiation
    Huege, T., Falcke, H. 2003, Proceedings of the 28th ICRC, 2003, Tsukuba, Japan, Vol. 1, 291-294
    [proceedings homepage] - [astro-ph]
  3. Simulations of Radio Emission from Cosmic Ray Air Showers
    Huege, T., Falcke, H. 2005, Proceedings of the 19th ECRS, Florence, Italy; International Journal of Modern Physics A, Vol.20, No. 29, 6831-6833
    [journal] - [astro-ph]
  4. Simulations and parametrisation of radio emission from cosmic ray air showers
    Huege, T., Falcke, H. 2005, Proceedings of the 29th ICRC, 2005, Pune, India, Vol. 6, 289-292
  5. Fluctuations in the EAS radio signal derived with improved Monte Carlo simulations based on CORSIKA
    Huege, T., Apel, W.D., Badea, F., et al. (The LOPES Collaboration) 2005, Proceedings of the 29th ICRC, 2005, Pune, India, Vol. 7, 107-110
  6. Monte Carlo simulations of radio emission from cosmic ray air showers
    Huege, T., Falcke, H. 2006, Proceedings of ARENA2005, Zeuthen, Germany; International Journal of Modern Physics A, Vol. 21 Supplement 1, 60-64
    [journal] - [astro-ph]
  7. Radio detection of cosmic ray air showers with LOPES
    Huege, T., Apel, W.D., Asch, T. et al. (The LOPES Collaboration) 2007, Proceedings of the CRIS2006 conference, Catania, Italy; Nuclear Physics B, Proceedings Supplements 165, 341-348
  8. Geosynchrotron radio emission from CORSIKA-simulated air showers
    Huege, T., Ulrich, R., Engel, R. 2007, Proceedings of the ARENA2006 conference, Newcastle, England; Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS) 81, 012002
    [journal] - [astro-ph]
  9. Energy and composition sensitivity of geosynchrotron radio emission from EAS
    Huege, T., Ulrich, R., Engel, R. 2007, Proceedings of the 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Merida, Mexico
  10. REAS2: CORSIKA-based Monte Carlo simulations of geosynchrotron radio emission
    Huege, T., Ulrich, R., Engel, R. 2007, Proceedings of the 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Merida, Mexico
  11. Radio detection of cosmic ray air showers with the LOPES experiment
    Huege, T., Apel, W.D., Arteaga, J.C. et al. (the LOPES Collaboration) 2008, Proceedings of the 2007 Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS) 110, 062012
  12. Simulations and theory of radio emission from cosmic ray air showers
    Huege, T. 2009, Proceedings of the ARENA2008 conference, Rome, Italy; Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 604, S57-S63
    [journal] - [arxiv]
  13. Radio detection of cosmic rays in the Pierre Auger Observatory
    Huege, T. for the Pierre Auger Collaboration 2009, Proceedings of the 11th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors; Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 617, 484-487
    [journal] - [arxiv]
  14. The LOPES experiment - recent results, status and perspectives
    Huege, T., Apel, W.D., Arteaga, J.C. et al. (the LOPES Collaboration) 2010, Proceedings of the ARENA2010 conference, Nantes, France; Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 662, S72-S79
    [journal] - [arxiv]
  15. The convergence of EAS radio emission models and a detailed comparison of REAS3 and MGMR simulations
    Huege, T., Ludwig, M., Scholten, O. and de Vries, K.D. 2010, Proceedings of the ARENA2010 conference, Nantes, France; Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 662, S179-S186
    [journal] - [arxiv]
  16. The endpoint formalism for the calculation of electromagnetic radiation and its applications in astroparticle physics
    Huege, T., James, C.W., Falcke, H and Ludwig, M. 2011, Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, Beijing, China
  17. Simulating radio emission from air showers with CoREAS
    Huege, T., Ludwig, M, James, C.W., 2013, Proceedings of the ARENA2012 conference, Erlangen, Germany; AIP Conference Proceedings 1535, 128-132
  18. Theory and simulations of air shower radio emission
    Huege, T., 2013, Proceedings of the ARENA2012 conference, Erlangen, Germany; AIP Conference Proceedings 1535, 121-127
  19. Probing the radio emission from cosmic-ray-induced air showers by polarization measurements
    Huege, T. for the Pierre Auger Collaboration, 2013, Proceedings of the 33rd ICRC, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, id #0661
  20. Full Monte Carlo simulations of radio emission from extensive air showers with CoREAS
    Huege, T., James, C.W., 2013, Proceedings of the 33rd ICRC, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, id #0548
  21. Precision measurements of cosmic ray air showers
    Huege, T., Bray, J., Buitink, S. et al. 2014, Chapter of the SKA science book, PoS(AASKA14)148
    [journal] - [arxiv]
  22. Digital radio detection of cosmic rays: achievements, status and perspectives
    Huege, T. 2014, Proceedings of the 2014 ARENA conference, Annapolis, USA, AIP Conf. Proc.
  23. Radio detection of cosmic rays: present and future
    Huege, T. and Haungs, A. 2014, Proceedings of the UHECR2014 conference, Springdale, USA, JPS Conf. Proc.
  24. High-precision measurements of extensive air showers with the SKA
    Huege, T., Bray, J., Buitink, S. et al. 2015, Proceedings of the ICRC 2015, The Hague, Netherlands, PoS(ICRC2015)309
  25. Revised absolute amplitude calibration of the LOPES experiment
    Link, K., Huege, T. et al. 2015, Proceedings of the ICRC 2015, The Hague, Netherlands, PoS(ICRC2015)311
  26. Ultimate precision in cosmic-ray radio detection - the SKA
    Huege, T., Bray, J., Buitink, S., et al. 2017, Proceedings of the ARENA2016 conference, Groningen, The Netherlands, EPJ Conf. Proc. 135, 02003
    [journal] - [arxiv]
  27. Nanosecond-level time synchronization of AERA using a beacon reference transmitter and commercial airplanes
    Huege, T., for the Pierre Auger Collaboration 2017, Proceedings of the ARENA 2016 conference, Groningen, The Netherlands, EPJ Conf. Proc. 135, 01013
    [journal] - [arxiv]
  28. Radio detection of extensive air showers
    Huege, T. 2017, Proceedings of the RICH2016 conference, Bled, Slovenia, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A
    [journal] - [arxiv]
  29. Radio Detection of Cosmic Rays - Achievements and Future Potential
    Huege, T. 2017, Proceedings of the UHECR2016 conference, Kyoto, Japan, JSP Conference Proceedings
    [journal] - [arxiv]
  30. Reconstruction of air-shower measurements with AERA in the presence of pulsed radio-frequency interference
    Huege, T., Welling, C.B. for the Pierre Auger Collaboration 2019, Proceedings of the ARENA208 Conference, EPJ Web of Conferences 216, 03007
    [journal] - [arxiv]
  31. A Rotationally Symmetric Lateral Distribution Function for Radio Emission from Inclined Air Showers
    Huege, T., Brenk, L., Schlüter, F. 2019, Proceedings of the ARENA2018 Conference, EPJ Web of Conferences 216, 03009
    [journal] - [arxiv]
  32. Symmetrizing the signal distribution of radio emission from inclined air showers
    Huege, T., Schlüter, F., Brenk, L. 2019, Proceedings of the ICRC2019, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, PoS(ICRC2019)294
    [journal] - [arxiv]
  33. Reconstructing inclined extensive air showers from radio measurements
    Huege, T., Schlüter, F. 2021, Proceedings of the ICRC2021, Berlin, Germany, PoS(ICRC2021)209

Selected co-author conference proceedings

  1. A radio air shower surface detector as an extension for IceCube and IceTop
    Auffenberg, J., Gaisser, T., Helbing, K., Huege, T.,  Karg, T., Karle, A. 2007, Proceedings of the 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Merida, Mexico
  2. Radio Detection of Neutrinos from Behind a Mountain
    Brusova, O., Anchordoqui, L., Huege, T., Martens, K. 2007, Proceedings of the 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Merida, Mexico
  3. Lunar detection of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays and neutrinos
    Bray, J., Alvarez-Muniz, J., Buitink, S. et al., Chapter of the SKA science book
  4. Modelling uncertainty of the radiation energy emitted by extensive air showers
    Gottowik, M., Glaser, C., Huege, T., Rautenberg, J. 2017, Proceedings of the 35th ICRC, Busan, Korea, PoS(ICRC2017)303
  5. Towards a fast and precise forward model for air shower radio simulation
    Butler, D., Huege, T., Scholten, O. 2017, Proceedings of the 35th ICRC, Busan, Korea, PoS(ICRC2017)307
  6. Extreme-precision measurements of cosmic rays via radio detection with the SKA
    Zilles, A., Buitink, S., Huege, T. 2017, Proceedings of the ICRC2017, Busan, Korea, PoS(ICRC2017)360
  7. Universality and template synthesis of cosmic ray air shower radio emission
    Butler, D., Huege, T., Engel, R., Scholten, O. 2019, Proceedings of the ICRC2019, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, PoS(ICRC2019)295
    [journal] - [arxiv]